The Separation of Business and Politics

Patrick Blake Mason
4 min readDec 1, 2018


As of 2016, there has been quite the paradigm of the blending and merging of two of the 3 pillars that are the support beams of the foundation of our country: Business and Politics. Since the election of Donald J. Trump as President of these United States, Businesses and Politicians have near become one and the same and that, believe it or not, is dangerous for everyone.

It really doesn’t matter what party affiliation you align to or if you belong to a party at all. It doesn’t matter if you did or didn’t vote for President Trump in the 2016 elections. The actions of our President has turned many things on its head and while it may look good on paper, it is a mess in practice. The reason why is the ideologies of the two: One is dedicated to the purpose of making money for the head of the organization and its employees, and the other is for the purpose keeping our country running as smoothly as possible, keeping in good standing with our nation’s allies and defending against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

You’ll notice that I didn’t say which one was which. That’s because the line that keeps the two apart has blurred into nothingness. The mentality of a businessman and the mentality of being a Public Servant are the only things left that help discern the differences. A businessperson is all about themselves and doing what it takes to win — a President is all about doing what is good for the country. Whatever the President wants personally takes a back seat. Being elected to the Office of President of The United States is a job that must be devoid of selfishness. Every action, every word, thought, and sheer appearance will be placed under heavy scrutiny and the President must be prepared to face it stoically, calm and level-headed as possible. THAT is the standard that every residing President, regardless of party affiliation, skin color, gender, and even gender identity.

And in this instance, in this presidency — that is NOT the case. Whether we want to admit it or not, President Trump does not have the mindset of a public servant, which on one end his supporters enjoy, but others do not. This is the very first time Trump has held a political office, which also works against him. The people that he elects have all in their own way done things that behind closed doors that as businessmen/businesswomen wouldn’t be given a second thought, but as Public Servants of the US Government would not and are not acceptable, as there are a greater and stricter set of rules that they must adhere to and instead of working to meet those standards, they are instead resorting to what they know and works for them, which is a major step backward.

Just as there must be a separation of Church and State, the same goes for Business and State. Religion, Corporations, and Government must be kept separate because their concepts, Ideologies, and rules are incompatible. They must work with each other and stay out of each others space. They must function equidistantly at all times. As long as we continue like this the more discord we will have. If that is one thing that we learn from this Presidency, it MUST be this.

Because if we keep on like this, we are not making the pillars of our union stronger — we are weakening them, resulting in the discord and division we are seeing today. We are more about sticking it to the other side than working together to solve our problems. We are power hungry and resorting to unsavory actions if that power is checked for balance. We are angry over what is happening in our country and that anger is making it near-impossible to focus, function and even adapt to the onslaught of fast knee-jerk choices that are being made.

Problems are being exacerbated and the solutions are standing by, watching the mess get worse. We are hurting ourselves and losing sight of problem-solving and finding peace. Merging the pillars just doesn’t work. This is not the new way of doing things. This is solving nothing.

Let Business be business, Government be government and Religion a private and personal form of guidance. I strongly believe that is what our forefathers wanted and the constitution demands and requires our politicians to uphold.

Thank you for reading.



Patrick Blake Mason

Lead Game Developer for The Adventures of Sam and Hunni and a man who wears many hats. Twitch Affiliate Streamer. Twitch name: GodOfKnockers.