An introduction to GodOfKnockers

Patrick Blake Mason
5 min readAug 31, 2022

A FAQ about that weird streamer on Twitch

Q: “Who are you?”

My Name is GodOfKnockers. I’m a casual streamer who is straightforward and lewd, with a tongue-in-cheek sense of humor, and all about having a good time with my community and enjoying chill vibes.

My co-host was NinaXMoms, aka Annie. My girlfriend and the love of my life. Sadly, she passed away on November 13, 2022. I love you, sweetie ❤, always and forever. Before you ask, I am not looking for a new co-host. Please don’t bother asking.

I’ve been streaming on Twitch since 2012 under two Twitch accounts. For the last 6 years, I’ve had this username — But my original name was GodofK(on)ckers, a typo that I changed by making a new account. I love my username. It’s unique, original, and something that I made on the fly one night, shortly after I learned about Twitch. It’s part of my brand.

It’s intentionally meant to be a double-entendre (door-knockers, knocking, boobs, that kind of thing). Many people love my name, and I love being GodOfKnockers. The meaning of my name is 100% up to you, but only one of them is correct.

Where I came from/Where I am now.

Q: “What is your stream about?”

I’m a Twitch variety streamer. I stream and play all kinds of games, and have special-themed events. I am an LGBTQIA2+ Ally, I support Sex and Body Positivity.

Politics, Religion, Bigotry, Homo/Transphobia, Racism, and Drama are never welcome here. Be you and have fun.

Q: “What are these ‘Featured Events’ ?”

The featured events are for specific genres of games. At the moment, we have 4: ‘Multiplayer Night’ (Multiplayer games), ‘Retro Night’ (Retro Games), ‘Fright Night’ (Scary Games, including horror), and the cornerstone ‘The Church of Booba’ — The last one is self-explanatory. (Games that have busty women. We like the busty ladies here.)

Q: “When do you stream?”

I stream 6 days a week, Tuesday-Sunday Mornings, from 12 am to 2 am Eastern Time (GMT-5). We do NOT stream on Mondays — Because Mondays suck balls.

Q: “Are you ‘kid-friendly’?”

No. Not even close. All streams are for Mature Audiences only. Don’t bring your kids. Are you a Christian? Good for you, but you won’t like my streams. We have some naughty people over here.

Q: “What do you call your community?”

It is called the “Midnight Community”. The members are “Midnight Riders” or “Riders” for short. The ‘Midnight Riders’ title was initially held for my mods and me, but I changed it. So, we are all Midnight Riders and we are enjoying the ride.

Q: “I notice that you host female streamers…Why?”

Short Answer: Gender and Gender Identity is never a factor. If I like their streams, I host them.

Long Answer: Yes, there are streamers that I host a lot, and some of them are female and buxom, BUT just because they are busty, it is not and never has been why I host them on my channel. Every person I’ve ever hosted regardless of gender or attire was always about the content they were presenting in the stream. The games they play, the hobbies they share, the conversations they are having, and the food they are cooking (I LOVE Cooking streamers) - If I love what they are doing, they are getting a host. The breasts and booty, if any, are a pleasant bonus for my viewers and are NEVER a requirement for hosting. I follow so many streamers, and their streams are fantastic to me. The communities they have and the fun they offer speak volumes to me and I want to share and support that, and the best way is to host them when I’m not streaming. I find that good. As long as you’re not an asshole, dipshit, or punk-ass bitch with little to no respect for their community or others.

Q: “So, what is with your Channel Points? They look like…”

Yes. Those are panties. G-string thongs, to be exact. I call them “Dumpster Panties” There is an IRL story behind them too. In 2015, I came across a computer tower by the dumpsters (do worry, I live where the dumpsters are, it's perfectly legal).

I collected the PC from the dumpster and brought it home. As I’m opening it and seeing if I can salvage parts or do anything with them, I find, stuffed in the corner of the drive bay, a pair of black thong panties. They were washed in Gain (I could tell from the scent in the PC) and didn’t appear dirty, so I kept them and added them to my collection. It was amazing and unusual to find G-string panties in a computer case, so as a tribute to that moment, I made my Channel Points, Dumpster Thongs. And here are the panties in question.

The Dumpster Thongs that started it all.

Q: “Wait… added to the collection? You… Collect Panties?”

Yes. Just as people collect trading cards, baseballs, and even coffee mugs, I collect women’s panties. To be clear, I buy all the underwear I collect from stores online. The Dumpster thongs are the only exception to this.

Q: “Do you have ‘Other sites’?”

Yes. I’m on YouTube, Twitter, Twitch, Instagram (GodOfKnockers), and TikTok (@godofknockers8). You can also look at my social stats via my Media Kit. You can view that by clicking here.

Q: “No no…I mean…the Spicy Sites?”

Yes. I have NSFW sites that you can find here.



Patrick Blake Mason

Lead Game Developer for The Adventures of Sam and Hunni and a man who wears many hats. Twitch Affiliate Streamer. Twitch name: GodOfKnockers.